Call for proposals:

SPAW-RAC for Short-term Small Grants

SPAW-RAC for Short-term Small Grants is opened until 31st July 2020.

The main objective of this call for proposals is the implementation of the SPAW Protocol by encouraging concrete actions for the conservation of biodiversity in the countries and territories of theWider Caribbean Region that have signed the SPAW Protocol of the Cartagena Convention (

The specific objectives are to provide financial support, in entirety or by co-funding, concrete actions aiming at:

  • effectively improving the status of conservation of endangered species in the Wider Caribbean Region, particularly those listed in the annexes of the SPAW protocol;
  • implementing management measures for endangered species and for the listed protected areas, in particular if they involve civil society actors;
  • and producing restoration actions as a priority within the protected areas listed of the protocol.
For this call for proposals, particular attention will be paid to projects in countries and territories, preferentialy signatories of the SPAW protocol, that do not easily benefit from traditional funding. The initiatives concerning the groups of plants, birds, fish including elasmobranchs and sea turtles annexed to the SPAW protocol will be appreciated, but do not rule out other proposals.


Davon Baker

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