UNEP Webinar 2
21 July 2020 | Online
The unprecedented recent invasion of Sargassum seaweed, free-floating brown seaweed that blossoms naturally in the warm waters of the Sargasso Sea, on coastal shores in West Africa and Caribbean shores is being attributed to factors that include warming of the ocean due to global climate change, discharge of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from agricultural run-off and wastewater originating from point sources and from major river basins such as the Congo and Amazon Rivers, and the deposition of iron and nutrient-rich Saharan dust on the ocean.
This second webinar will focus on the scientific knowledge we have and the challenges we face in understanding and assessing Sargassum occurrences. Interactive discussions will follow detailed presentations covering:
* Biology and impact of pelagic Sargassum species
* Monitoring Sargassum from space
* Turning a hazard into an opportunity: Commercialization of Sargassum in the Caribbean
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